상담 문의는 아래 링크를 클릭하셔서 채팅링크로 연락 주시면 친절하게 상담 도와드리겠습니다 ^^
검은 테두리 입술선 때문에 스트레스를 정말 많이 받으셨다고 하셨어요. 사실 이런 고민을 가진 분들이 꽤 많으시죠..입술 테두리가 검게 착색되거나, 입술 전체적으로 어두운 톤 때문에 스트레스를 받으세요 😭. 또 포다이스반이라고, 입술에 하얀 좁쌀처럼 생긴피지 알갱이가 있는 경우 색이 오히려 그쪽만 빠져서 하얘보이고 . 어느 한 곳이 검거나 하얘서 은근히 눈에 띄니까 더 신경이 쓰이시죠? 그래서 입술색이 고르지 않아서 고민하시는 분들이 꽤 많답니다. 😥이는 입술 문신 반영구로 어느 정도 개선이 가능한 부분입니다.
오늘 고객님께서도 그런 고민을 안고 오셨는데요, 처음에 오셨을 때는 입술 테두리 부분이 정말 많이 검게 착색되어 있었어요. 그리고 입술 전체적으로도 색이 균일하지 않아서 스트레스를 많이 받으셨다고 하시더라고요. 그래서 일단 1차 시술을 진행했는데요, 사실 이런 경우는 한 번의 시술로 완벽하게 커버되기 어려울 수 있습니다 . 그래서 디테일한 부분까지 잡아내기 위해 2-3차시술 이상 권장드리는 경우가 많아요. 😌
2차 시술 후에 다시 찾아오셨을 때는 정말 많은 변화가 있었어요. 처음엔 거의 검게 보였던 부분이 많이 덮여서, 전체적으로 톤이 한결 나아졌습니다.
3차 시술을 권장드렸는데요, 이때는 입술 톤이 많이 균일해져서 전체적인 밸런스를 맞추는 작업을 했어요. 기존에 텁텁하게 느껴졌던 부분들을 조금 더 부드럽게 풀어주고, 2차 시술에서 빠졌던 부분이나 덜 커버된 부분들을 더 세밀하게 채워줬답니다. 이 과정을 통해서 훨씬 더 자연스럽고 균일한 입술색을 만들어드릴 수 있었어요. 사실 이 시술이 중요해요. 이때 세밀하게 조정하지 않으면 거기서 퀄리티가 좌우되거든요. 그래서 저는 최대한 꼼꼼하게 작업을 진행도와드렸습니다. 😌👍
이제 입술 착색이나 포다이스반 때문에 고민이신 분들, 너무 스트레스 받지 않으셔도 돼요. 꾸준한 시술로 충분히 개선될 수 있답니다. 늦은 시간까지 고생해 주신 고객님께 감사드립니다!")
You mentioned how much stress you’ve been experiencing because of the dark lip liner. In fact, many people have similar concerns. When the lip liner becomes darkly pigmented, or when the entire lip has a darker tone, it causes a lot of stress😭. Additionally, there is something called Fordyce spots, which are tiny white sebum bumps that can appear on the lips. Sometimes, only certain areas become lighter or darker, and that unevenness becomes even more noticeable, which makes people more self-conscious. Because of this, a lot of people are worried about the uneven color of their lips😥.
Today, the client also came in with such concerns. When she first came, the dark pigmentation on the lip liner was quite severe. The overall lip color wasn’t uniform either, and she said it was causing her a lot of stress. So, we started with the first session of the treatment. However, in such cases, it’s quite difficult to completely cover everything with just one session. To fine-tune the details, we often recommend two or three sessions or more😌.
When she returned for her second session, the results were already very promising. The areas that were initially dark had lightened significantly, and the overall tone was much improved. Of course, from my perspective, it wasn’t a perfect 100%, but seeing how much improvement there was made the client really happy, and I was so proud of that😇.
After that, I recommended a third session. By this time, the lip tone had become much more even, so I worked on balancing the overall look. We softened the areas that felt a bit heavy, and I fine-tuned the spots that were missed during the second session or were under-covered. Through this process, we were able to achieve a much more natural and even lip color. This session is really important because if you don’t make the precise adjustments here, the final quality could suffer. That’s why I always make sure to work as meticulously as possible during this stage😌👍.
The client was also very satisfied after the third session. When she said, “My lips finally look normal again!” I felt such a sense of accomplishment. Every time I see clients freed from their lip concerns and regaining their confidence, I feel so fulfilled. That feeling is beyond words😍.
When the client complimented me after the session, I can’t even express how happy I was. I walked out feeling so light, with my shoulders lifted. Every time a client gives me such kind feedback, it really energizes me😄🙏.
So, for those of you struggling with dark pigmentation or Fordyce spots on your lips, don’t stress too much. With consistent treatment, you can definitely see improvement. I am so grateful to my client for her hard work and patience through the process!"
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